Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stepford Wives - techie style

Recently my parents went to the Home and Design Show and two weeks later - voila! A two thousand dollar iron is delivered to our home. Yes, audience playing at home, two thousand bucks for an iron! In the midst of a GFC! I hope my inheritance doesn't suffer from this folly (just kidding, mum, I love you!)

But from a design standpoint, this bells-and-whistles iron is pretty cool.

Short of ironing the thing for you itself - when will they invent that, by the way? - the iron produces ultra fine steam that smooths out the most stubborn of wrinkles, as well as having an ironing board that can suck and blow (yes, I know). By using the vacuum function, clothes don't move around so you can make the perfect seam, and by creating air under the fabric, no wrinkles are added by moving the iron around.

It has some pretty awesome boiler technology, although it was quite difficult to decipher the instructions. It's made ironing in our house if not fun, then at least an interesting activity. And I reckon that's probably worth two thousand dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Can I send you my shirts then? Just want to do my bit to help you and your family get the most out of this acquisition.

    More procrastinatory goodness please. :)
