Sunday, May 24, 2009

Indulgences of a private schoolgirl...

As any self-respecting private schoolgirl ought to know, choir is a large part of school life. Or at least for those who needed to escape the drudgery and praying that was Assembly.

And now we have a television show that celebrates show choir! Glee is a new series from FOX (oh, hush) that aired after the American Idol finale over there. The second episode and beyond will start airing in the American fall lineup.

Glee is a show that plays up all the high school stereotypes - jocks, cheerleaders, idealistic teacher, sensitive emo/gay boy - I loved the scene where he's about to be thrown in the dumpster, but protests because he's wearing the new season Marc Jacobs jacket, which is then taken off and held by the quarterback before the boy is unceremoniously dumped.

It's popcorn tv - full of big musical numbers, American brashness, and mildly good looking people. But there is a hint of a subversive tone, rather like the satire in Election, although of course without as much bite. And Glee labours to be in the zeitgeist - one of the numbers sung was Amy Winehouse's 'Rehab', although what school in its right mind would allow their choir to sing a song condoning substance abuse is beyond me.
So if you like singing but couldn't stand the saccharine sweetness of High School Musical, this might be a show you should check out - particularly since exam season is bearing down upon us, and I know you'll be in need of serious procrastinatory material.

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