Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wintry Sunday nights

So, it's Sunday night, and this is my designated night of cooking - although I have been cooking more than my share lately, this being my third night in a row.

I made a great winter comfort dish tonight - hamburg steak. This is a Japanese-style Western dish, and the tomato sauce reduction is really a lovely warming dish.

Japanese-style Western cuisine, or 洋食、started in Japan since the Meiji Restoration of 1868. One of the first so-called Western cuisine dishes was sukiyaki, now a quintessential Japanese meal. This is because Japanese people, when first introduced to beef, were so aghast at the taste of it, cooks seasoned it with soy sauce so that there was some familiar flavour to grasp onto. To this day, the most famous sukiyaki restaurants in Japan are found in the Asakusa area, where the dish is said to have its origin.

Other Japanese takes on Western cuisine include 'omurice', which is bascally rice (usually in a sauce of some kind, tomato or demiglace) wrapped in a fluffy omelette. This may sound simple, but is no mean feat. The act of wrapping a soft, billowy egg cover over a lump of saucy, satiny rice, is one that requires technique, timing and precision. None of which I can be bothered to attempt.

So, hamburg steak. It is essentially a meat patty, which I have stewed in a tomato sauce. The other kind of sauce it is usually served with, is the demiglace, but that requires stock and a lot of time, so I've done a simple recipe. For those playing at home, here goes:

Ingredients (serves 2-3):
Hamburg Patty:
Mixed mince (I used a mix of pork and veal, but it's up to you) 300g
2 onions
Half a cup of breadcrumbs
3-5 tablespoons of milk
1 egg
2 tablespoons of plain flour
salt and pepper to taste
pinch of nutmeg

For the tomato sauce
1 can of chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoons ketchup
3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons red wine
1 cube of chicken stock
2 cups water
1 teaspoon sugar
salt and pepper to taste

First, finely dice your onions:

Saute the onions in a bit of butter until soft and translucent. Remove from the pan to cool. You can do this part a couple of hours earlier than when you are making the hamburg. If your onions are too hot, it cooks the meat when you mix them together and also makes it hard to handle the patty mixture.
Add the milk to the breadcrumbs to soften and set aside

Next, in a large bowl, mix the minced meat, breadcrumbs, cold onions, salt and pepper, nutmeg, egg and flour and with your hands mix this around 50 times. This will make the meat tender and juicy.

Oil your hands and get a snooker-ball size bit of the mixture and throw it between each hand to take the air out of the patty. This is an important step of making hamburg steak.
You should have something looking like this after playing catch with the patties.

Saute these in a bit of oil until they have a bit of colour on both sides, and then add all the ingredients for the sauce in the pan.
Bring the sauce to the boil, and then let it simmer for 15-20 minutes with the lid on. If it looks too watery by 15 minutes, take the lid off for the last 5 minutes. It should reduce nicely!

(there is some pumpkin puree at the back of the dish as well)

Looks good, right? It tasted pretty good as well, even if I say so myself. I'm not a big fan of rice, but I hear the sauce is pretty good with it.

Give it a try, it's a pretty easy recipe and the results are worth it, especially since good, juicy hamburg is pretty hard to find in Sydney.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Latest Distractions (Part 1)

Sorry about the lack of new posts. Pesky real life actually intervened, can you believe it?
So, just wanted to share a few of my latest obsessions with you tonight.

Firstly, my biggest new obsession - Masterchef! This actually blindsinded me. Although I saw all the ads, my huge reluctance to actually turn on the living room TV (apart from the occasional spot of Border Security) made me a relatively late jumper onto this bandwagon. But I totally love the combination of competition, drama and useful food knowledge that I'm gaining through the show. A few things I've noticed though:

1. Why does George Calombaris pronounce all his Es as As? As in element turns into alament, celery is salary... I think he is a great chef and he has amazing technique, but this is a particular pet peeve of mine.

2. Matt Preston uses ties as pocket squares! If you look closely at his jacket pocket, you will see that sometimes, instead of a hankerchief, Matt Preston uses a rolled up necktie for a spot of colour. This is certainly very high-level sartorial technique shown here.

3. The supermarket used in the Team Challenge was my local IGA! This was a very proud moment for me. Actually, the IGA is a great supermarket, with Whisk and Pin, Sonoma Baking Co, Maggie Beer, Parker Organic Juices and Lilydale chickens on offer, so they should have gotten some good quality produce.

4. Australian contestants on reality TV shows are so much tamer than their American counterparts. Having recently watched the US version of Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen, it really was a bit of shock to see the contestants actually supporting each other during the Celebrity Chef challenge, instead of spitting bile.

5. I want to congratulate Ten for making a pretty good website for Masterchef. I was able to catch up on all the episodes I had missed to feed my addiction and for the most part, it was pretty quick and easy to access the site.

6. Tom Mosby was a Sparke & Helmore lawyer who was made redundant.

I have actually made the pan roasted lamb rack that was shown on Masterclass tonight, but instead of mashed potato, I made a pumpkin puree. The lamb rack was quite lovely, the flavours sealed in by the inital pan sear.

As for picking winners, I really can't tell, and for me, the show isn't really about that. It's about how much I can learn from the show, and how many celebrity chefs I can spot. Also, I got my first glimpse of Simon Thomsen, the Good Food Guide critic, which was pretty cool. And it's a good daily dose of food porn. Most importantly, it's replaced that infernal Big Brother.

Monday, May 25, 2009

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's Primo Italiano

Last Sunday, City of Sydney Council held the Primo Italiano festival, celebrating all things Italy. The theme was of course, amore. A wedding was held on the day, and although I wasn't there to see the ceremony, the entire thing was great fun, with stalls of food, entertainment and a beautiful fountain. The convivial community atmosphere was really wonderful - with heaps of dogs and kids running about.
Three coins in a fountain?

Rocket and proscuitto pizza from Wood Fired Pizza Co.

The terrace houses lining Stanley, Riley and Yurong Streets were a perfectly picturesque background for the festival, with the streets cordoned off for the day. There was a huge stall by Formaggi Ocello, the Italian purveyors of cheese located in Surry Hills, as well as Beppi's Restaurant and Sonoma Baking Company.

Punters lining up for the delicious cheeses from Formaggi Ocello

And who can forget the iconic Vespa when thinking about Italian cliches? Sable and Argent, a stylish 'premium store for two-wheeled things' were displaying some fantasico goods with truly fantastic price tags.

This bicycle costs $27800. Let's hope it can fly. Or at least change into a robot.
Italian flower man looking cool

All in all, a lovely, relaxing Sunday. Thank God for the beautiful weather, and please, when will the sunshine grace our city again?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Indulgences of a private schoolgirl...

As any self-respecting private schoolgirl ought to know, choir is a large part of school life. Or at least for those who needed to escape the drudgery and praying that was Assembly.

And now we have a television show that celebrates show choir! Glee is a new series from FOX (oh, hush) that aired after the American Idol finale over there. The second episode and beyond will start airing in the American fall lineup.

Glee is a show that plays up all the high school stereotypes - jocks, cheerleaders, idealistic teacher, sensitive emo/gay boy - I loved the scene where he's about to be thrown in the dumpster, but protests because he's wearing the new season Marc Jacobs jacket, which is then taken off and held by the quarterback before the boy is unceremoniously dumped.

It's popcorn tv - full of big musical numbers, American brashness, and mildly good looking people. But there is a hint of a subversive tone, rather like the satire in Election, although of course without as much bite. And Glee labours to be in the zeitgeist - one of the numbers sung was Amy Winehouse's 'Rehab', although what school in its right mind would allow their choir to sing a song condoning substance abuse is beyond me.
So if you like singing but couldn't stand the saccharine sweetness of High School Musical, this might be a show you should check out - particularly since exam season is bearing down upon us, and I know you'll be in need of serious procrastinatory material.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stepford Wives - techie style

Recently my parents went to the Home and Design Show and two weeks later - voila! A two thousand dollar iron is delivered to our home. Yes, audience playing at home, two thousand bucks for an iron! In the midst of a GFC! I hope my inheritance doesn't suffer from this folly (just kidding, mum, I love you!)

But from a design standpoint, this bells-and-whistles iron is pretty cool.

Short of ironing the thing for you itself - when will they invent that, by the way? - the iron produces ultra fine steam that smooths out the most stubborn of wrinkles, as well as having an ironing board that can suck and blow (yes, I know). By using the vacuum function, clothes don't move around so you can make the perfect seam, and by creating air under the fabric, no wrinkles are added by moving the iron around.

It has some pretty awesome boiler technology, although it was quite difficult to decipher the instructions. It's made ironing in our house if not fun, then at least an interesting activity. And I reckon that's probably worth two thousand dollars.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Supporting the Arts

I've always been a supporter of the arts, particularly the spectacle that is karaoke. This is particularly so when a friend of mine is pitting her talents in Kitchen Stadium - wait, wrong show.

Anyway, my friend Jenny is participating in the Jay Chou Singing Competition - for those who don't know who Jay Chou is, he's a mega-super-duper big deal singer from Taiwan, who is hosting his first antipodean concert in Sydney in July. Tickets cost up to $448(!!). In Acer Arena! This goes to show just how many Asians with large disposable incomes there are in our fair city.

Below is the lovely Jenny singing in the preliminary rounds - thank you ladies and gentlemen, she'll be here all week.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

To Boldly Go - a newbie's guide to Star Trek

So I watched the new Star Trek film. First, a disclaimer - I have exactly zero knowledge of Star Trek, except for the funny hand sign and William Shatner.

I admit, Chris Pine was very endearing as the brash young Captain Kirk - but isn't this a film stereotype we've had enough of? Arrogant, good-looking guy, good with his fists and (secretly) good with his brain. Off the top of my head, that description includes Indiana Jones, James Bond, Wolverine (okay, maybe not the brain part there).

But I must say, I have developed a bit of a geek-crush on Spock, although since Sylar from Heroes plays him, all I could think of for the first ten minutes was "...brains!"

Overall, it wasn't too bad an origin movie since total newcomers could follow the story and were too distracted by the large explosions and pointy ears to feel left out by the in-joke.

...and who knew Eric Bana could look like this?


On days like these...

On days of torrential rain, don't you just want to snuggle up and.... play retro video games?

Well, since I don't have a super nintendo anymore, and am too lazy to get an emulator, I found something to sate my nostalgia.

Super Mario cupcakes!

Aren't these the most awesome things you've ever seen? All credit goes to hello naomi, a baker in Newcastle, which means, Sydneysiders like me, can actually partake in one of these beauties!

If Super Mario is not your thing (although how can it not?), here is a Pac-man wedding cake...

I truly applaud those who are geek-chic enough to get a Pac-man wedding cake.

Or how about...

Space Invaders!

I think rain makes me geeky. That's going to be my excuse. But these seriously are the cutest things ever, and looking at them makes me feel less gloomy about the miserable weather. For more baked-goods fun, visit Cakewrecks.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

World of Golden Eggs

Now, I don't know how popular this hilarious show is outside of Japan, but World of Golden Eggs is a short cartoon series depicting the lives of the denizens of Turkey Hill.

Crudely drawn 2-D animation somewhat in the style of South Park, Golden Eggs features:

Kevin the turkey who escapes the slaughterhouse to pick up some chicks

Turkey Ranger

and a myriad of other characters. If you have a few minutes or are procrastinating at work or at school, YouTube the cartoon - now most of them are in Japanese, but there are some that are subtitled, I am sure.

Happy viewing!

Maiden Voyages

So, this is the metaphorical broken champagne on the hull.
I'll admit, this isn't my first attempt at blogging - but as in all other aspects of my life, the problem is consistency. But this time I have a plan! I am going to only post short, pithy entries and not limit myself to food - this will be about all the weird and wacky things I find, in real life and online.