Saturday, December 19, 2009

Vegetarians. Dandies. Meggings.

Recently, around the world, we have felt the reverberations of a resurgence of the gentleman, at least in sartorial form. After the intense popularity of 'Mad Men', normal men are starting to wander the streets with bowties and skinny ties, and lo and behold, well-cut suits!

More importantly, men are becoming more conscious of details, of fit. Not that men were not unaware of their appearance - but it used to emphasise other aspects of the male. Comfort, and sometimes, an insouciant indifference to personal hygiene.

For a far more eloquent discussion on the topic in the New York Times.

But the days of baggy Bermuda shorts and sweat-stained t-shirts are over! Women (and gay men) rejoice!

Image courtesy of Close Up and Private

The narrowness of the lapels and the tie makes a man look taller and straighter than he is. And the harkening to vintage fabrics means better quality, and a broader colour pallette for menswear, which has frequently died a slow death from boredom. The addition of accessories, such as scarves, pocket squares, glasses, alternative neckwear (bowties, ascot, Mr. Preston?), has really given men a wealth of choice to individualise. And isn't that the broader trend in fashion, and in almost everything else? In a world where economies of scale and convenience has forced a faster pace of homogenisation, we're all looking for something that will make us stand out. But not too much.
My own lovely friend (please note the espadrilles and cuffs)

On the other end of the scale, we have 'vegetarian males', a social phenomenon in Japan where young men prefer to do housework and raise children, rather than the more stereotypically male roles of bread-winning. And some of these men wear skirts. And meggings. Which are leggings. For men.

Is this shift in the male-female paradigm a backlash from the feminism movement from the 1970s? Personally, leggings are a bit too much - just because I don't think women should be wearing them without anything over them either, unless in a ballet class. But if it means more confident, well-dressed men, then please sir, may I have some more?

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